The 26th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting

Faculty of Finance and Accounting
Prague University of Economics and Business


Instructions for authors


Any type of a research paper in the field of accounting and finance, subject to meeting the submission rules (see below) would be accepted for consideration by the Scientific Committee. The topics may cover, but are not limited to the following areas:

  • Finance:
    • Banking and insurance
    • Monetary theory
    • Public finance and taxation
    • Corporate finance and business evaluation
  • Accounting:
    • Corporate reporting (financial reporting, sustainability reporting)
    • Management accounting
    • Auditing & Corporate governance
  • Economic education

Any research design (Explanatory / Exploratory studies; Questionnaire surveys; Interviews; Field work / case studies; Empirical (archival) research; Experimental or behavioural research; Theoretical modelling; Literature reviews) is welcomed.

  • Only full papers will be considered for peer review
  • Only papers uploaded via the Registration system will be considered
  • The paper shall be uploaded only by the corresponding author to avoid any double submission of the same paper
  • There are no specific requirements for the formatting of the paper, except for a pdf format.
  • The paper shall not contain any personal identification of the author(s).
  • The authors shall adhere to publication and ethical standards as defined by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  • All submissions will be peer-reviewed before being accepted for the oral presentation at the Conference
  • All submissions will undergo a double blind review process
  • A submission is accepted for oral presentation if both the reviewer and the Scientific Board accept the manuscript
  • The review process follows the standards as defined by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)


The peer review policy described above applies only to determine whether a paper is acceptable for oral presentation at the conference. The review process for journals will be conducted separately according to the requirements and standards of those journals. It is based on the evaluation of the full paper submitted through the submission system of a particular journal.

Please note that acceptance of a submission for oral presentation at the ACFA does not guarantee that the submission will be accepted for the special issues, nor that the full paper will be accepted by the corresponding journal.

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