The 25th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting

Faculty of Finance and Accounting


Welcome to ACFA 2024

The Faculty of Finance and Accounting of Prague University of Economics and Business is delighted to host The 25th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting (ACFA 2024). The Conference takes place on 30-31 May 2024.

The Conference offers scholars an opportunity to present research-in-progress and (almost) finished papers. The Conference’s platform enables researchers from all over the world to share their thoughts and visions, discuss contemporary development in the field and get, thus, valuable feedback. This could be useful for emerging researchers, especially PhD students, who can submit their papers for the special PhD. Track.

We encourage all researchers to submit the paper to any of the Conference Scientific Sessions, depending on their research interest.

Registrations and paper submissions are made through the Submission system.

We look forward to meeting all interested parties during the The 25th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting in June 2024.


The ACFA Chair


  • Finance (not limited to):
    • Banking and insurance
    • Monetary theory
    • Public finance and taxation
    • Corporate finance and business evaluation
  • Accounting (not limited to):
    • Financial accounting
    • Management accounting
    • Auditing
  • Economic education


ACFA 2024 “Scientific programme” (schedule of presentations & venue information): ACFA2024_Programme (updated 29 May 2024)



  • Conference dates: 30-31 May 2024
  • Submissions:  15 March 2024
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection for oral presentations: 30 April 2024
  • Registration and payment of the conference fee: not later than 15 May 2024
  • Conference format: a combined form – the first day 31 May 2024 only online (remote) presentations & the second day 31 May 2024 only onsite (physical) presentations


The Conference fee covers all conference materials and refreshments during the event. The payment of the Conference fee is processed solely via the Registration system. No cash payments will be accepted on the spot. The same fee applies for both physical and virtual participation.

We apply the following fee policy:

  • A basic conference fee of 150 € for all participants except for the PhD students
  • No conference fee for the PhD students, subject to meeting the qualifying conditions for the PhD Track

The Conference fee is not refundable if the participation is cancelled.

An announcement in Czech for the participants from VŠE only:

Vložné nehradit

Publication options

In general, authors may choice among following (mutually exclusive) publication options:

  • Special issue “Contemporary Challenges to European Finance and Accounting” in cooperation with the European Financial and Accounting Journal
  • Conference proceedings: ACFA 2016-2021 has been published by Springer; the proceedings for 2022& 2023 are currently under preparations; the 2024 edition will be negotiated as well
  • No publication, only presentation of the paper to receive feedback on work-in-progress
  • In any case, only full papers shall be submitted

Instructions for Special Issues

European Financial and Accounting Journal (EFAJ)

Authors opting for the publication in the EFAJ Special Issue Contemporary Challenges to European Finance and Accounting shall follow the specific procedures when submitting the paper:

  • the first draft of a paper in a pdf file shall be submitted by 15 March 2024 in the ACFA submission system; when submitting, please select the option “EFAJ Special issue
  • the authors shall present the paper at the Conference
  • the Editorial Board will invite selected papers presented at the Conference for review and potential publication in the Special Issue
  • the author(s) of an invited paper will submit the paper through the EFAJ’s submission system for the peer-review process; the paper submitted shall reflect the feedback received at the Conference
  • the upload to EFAJ shall be made not later than on 15 July 2024
  • the first decision about the acceptance/review and resubmit/rejection will be made by 15 September 2023
  • the final versions will be due by 31 October 2024
  • the publication of accepted papers is expected by the end of 2024 or at the beginning of 2025

Disclaimer: Please note that there is no guarantee for the publication. The Editorial Board will select only those papers complying with the publication standards of the journal.

Detail information on this Special issue can be found in the FLYER.

The authors of invited papers will receive further instructions after the conference.

Formatting guidelines

There are no specific requirements for formatting. In any case, all submissions should be uploaded solely in  pdf format, and they shall not contain any personal identification of the author(s).

Conference proceedings
  • The paper’s length is expected to be between 10-15 pages. There are no specific requirements. If preferred, the paper can be prepared using the sample paper
European Financial and Accounting Journal
  • There are no specific requirements on the first draft of a paper, except for an anonymous pdf file.
  • However, to speed up the process, authors may already follow the instructions for the authors published on the EFAJ’s website

Review Process


The following peer-review policy solely applies to decide whether a submission is allowed for oral presentation at the Conference. The review process for the journals will be run separately according to the requirements and standards of these journals. It will be based on the assessment of the full paper being submitted to the submission system of a given journal.

Please note that the acceptance of a submission for oral presentation at the ACFA neither guarantees the invitation for the submission for the special issues nor the acceptance of the full paper by the corresponding journal.


All submissions will be peer-reviewed before being accepted for the oral presentation at the Conference

  • All submissions are subject to a double-blind review process
  • There are five assessed criteria: (a) specification of the aim and its fulfilment; (b) methodological soundness; (c) work with literature; (d) coherence of findings, arguments and conclusions; (e) contribution.
  • All criteria are equally weighted for the final score
  • A submission is accepted for oral presentation if both the reviewer and the Scientific Board accepts the manuscript

The review process follows the standards as defined by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


The authors are expected to follow publication and ethical standards as defined by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


  • All participants have to register using the Registration system (the system will be open for the submissions during December 2023; the payments will be launched during February 2024)
  • The submissions are uploaded into the Registration system only by the corresponding author to avoid any double submission of the same (draft of) paper
  • Format of the submission:
    • the version for peer-review evaluation – no identification of authors
Registration System
  • Registration system includes:
    • identification data of the author and co-author(s)
    • on-line 3D Secure-gate for the payment of the conference fee
    • invoice
    • Letter of Invitation/Confirmation

Disclaimer: The Letter of Invitation/Confirmation generated by the Registration System is designed only for those participants who need to obtain a visa or need confirmation for their sending university. The system will generate it once the paper is accepted for presentation. If you are a co-author and not uploading the paper into the system, contact the conference chair to prepare the invitation separately.

The organisers do not cover any fees and other expenses related to anyone’s participation in the Conference.

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