The 26th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting

Faculty of Finance and Accounting
Prague University of Economics and Business


Publication options


In general, authors may choice among following (mutually exclusive) publication options:

The authors shall indicate their publication preference during the submission of the paper via the Registration system


General procedure for a fast-track submission to cooperating journals:

  • the full paper in a pdf file shall be submitted via the Registration system within the submission period
  • the paper is presented at the Conference (provided that it meets general quality standards for a research paper)
  • the editor-in-chief will invite selected papers presented at the Conference for a fast-track submission
  • the author(s) of an invited paper will submit the paper through the submission system of the corresponding journal; the paper submitted shall reflect the feedback received at the Conference
  • detail information and instructions for the submission process will be distributed to the authors of invited papers approximately one month after the conference

Disclaimer: Please note that there is no guarantee for the publication. The Editors will select only those papers complying with the publication standards of their journals and the papers will still undergo a review process of the journal.


Conference proceedings for ACFA 2016-2023 has been published by Springer

We will negotiate the proceedings for the 2025 edition first with Springer as well

General procedure:

  • the full paper in a pdf file shall be submitted via the Registration system within the submission period
  • the paper is presented at the Conference (provided that it meets general quality standards for a research paper)
  • the author(s) of presented papers will submit the final version of the manuscript by email, based on further instructions from Guest Editors
  • the final version shall reflect the feedback received at the Conference and any reviewers’ comments and suggestions
  • please note that the negotiation process with the publishing house is lengthy (it takes from 3-6 months until the contract is signed & 2 months for authors to complete the manuscript & 3-4 months of the production process)
  • detail information and instructions for the submission process will be distributed to the authors, once the contract is signed