The 25th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting

Faculty of Finance and Accounting


Proceedings & Photogallery

Year 2019

Collection of Papers: in progress & special issue of the European Financial and Accounting Journal


Year 2018

Collection of Papers: Springer book & special issue of the European Financial and Accounting Journal


Year 2017

Collection of Papers: Springer book & special issue of the European Financial and Accounting Journal


Year 2016

Collection of Papers: Springer book & special issue of the European Financial and Accounting Journal


Year 2015

Collection of Papers: Complete volume 2015 (published as a special issue of the Procedia Finance and Economics Volume 25)

Collection of Abstracts: Abstract Book


Year 2014

The conference proceedings have been published in the hardcopy of the Collection of Abstract, including CD will all accepted papers.

Collection of Papers: Complete volume 2014


Year 2013

The conference proceedings have been published in the hardcopy of the Collection of Abstract, including CD will all accepted papers.

Collection of Papers: Complete volume 2013


Year 2012

The conference proceedings have been published in the hardcopy of the Collection of Full Papers.

Collection of Papers: Colletion 2012 Volume 1, Colletion 2012 Volume 2


Year 2011

The conference proceedings have been published in the hardcopy of the Collection of Full Papers.

Collection of Papers: Colletion 2011 Volume 1, Colletion 2011 Volume 2


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