The 26th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting

Faculty of Finance and Accounting
Prague University of Economics and Business



ACFA is co-organised by three universities from Central and Eastern Europe, namely Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Krakow University of Economics, and Prague University of Economics and Business, informally joint under the Eastern European Group for Accounting Research (EEGAR) initiative. The official partner of ACFA is the International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER).



Founded in 1953, the Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE) is the largest public university of economics and business in the Czech Republic. In March 2024, VŠE became the first university in the Czech Republic to be accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). VŠE is ranked annually by the Financial Times and has been ranked for several years by the Eduniversal Ranking project as one of the best business schools in Central and Eastern Europe.

The Faculty of Finance and Accounting provides education in corporate and public finance, accounting, taxation and tax policy, banking and insurance, and economic education, with the programmes accredited by ACCA, ICAEW or CFA. The Faculty has approximately 100 academic staff and 2,500 students on undergraduate, masters and doctoral programmes. The mission of the Faculty is to be the leading institution in the field of finance and accounting in the countries of Central Europe. The Faculty mission is to consistently achieve the leading position within finance and accounting in the countries of Central Europe. In its mission, the Faculty endeavours an education based on the principles of social responsibility, leading students to ethical behaviour, individual and social responsibility and defending the free expression of thoughts and ideas.



Founded in 1913 as The Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Ro: Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti – ASE) is the first Romanian institution of higher education in economic sciences and public administration and remains the leader in these areas. Currently, ASE enrolls about 20,000 students in 13 faculties offering a wide range of programs in economics, business, public administration, sociology, applied modern languages and business law. ASE delivers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees in the Romanian, English, French and German languages.

The mission of the Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems of ASE is to further educational and research excellence in its core fields. In the accounting field, the Faculty consistently ranks as both a national and European leader based on recent rankings (U-Multirank). Leveraging international professional accreditations, collaborations with prestigious international and national education institutions, membership in various professional associations and relationships with a wide variety of corporate partnerships in terms of both size and scope, our programs are uniquely qualified to prepare students for a wide range of domestic and international career options and to foster a lifetime of professional development.



The Krakow University of Economics (KUE) is a modern university with traditions dating back to 1925. It conducts extensive scientific research and is currently educating 15 000 students.

The University is one of the largest centers for economic research and sciences in Poland. KUE students acquire their knowledge in three organizational units: College of Economics, Finance and Law, College of Economics and Public Administration and College of Management and Quality Sciences.

Operating uninterrupted for nearly a hundred years, the university, faithfully carries out the mission established by its founders: Rerum cognoscere causas et valorem (To learn the causes and values ​​of things), educating the hearts and minds of successive generations of outstanding specialists. Currently, KUE offers programs in 30 fields of study in Polish and English, including postgraduate studies and prestigious MBA studies.



The International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER) is a global not-for-profit organization. The mission of the IAAER is to promote excellence in accounting education and research on a worldwide basis and to facilitate the contribution of accounting academics to the development and maintenance of high quality, globally recognized standards of accounting practice.


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